Wednesday, 31 December 2008
70th Post
I have seen so many things in 2008, being to so many cities and made new friends.
Things can only get better so this is me thanking God Almighty for his Grace and Blessings.
To all those that have shaped my year, I say thanks....big thanks
Lets do it again in 2009
Peace and Alakija Love
p.s...its my birthday on the 1st day of the year.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Rules Of Engagement
2: It is OK for a man to cry ONLY under the following circumstances:
(a) When a heroic dog dies to save its master.
(b) The moment Angelina Jolie starts unbuttoning her
(c) After wrecking your boss' car.
(d) When she is using her teeth.
3: Any Man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his buddies.
4: Unless he murdered someone in your family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours.
5: If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off limits forever unless you actually marry her.
6: Moaning about the brand of free beer in a buddy's fridge is forbidden. However complain at will if the temperature is unsuitable.
7: No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering your buddy's birthday is strictly optional. At that point, you must celebrate at a strip bar of the birthday boy's choice.
8: On a road trip, the strongest bladder determines pit stops, not the weakest.
9: When stumbling upon other guys watching a sporting event, you may ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.
11: It is permissible to drink a fruity alcohol drink only when you're sunning on a tropical beach... and it's delivered by a topless model and only when it's free.
12: Only in situations of moral and/or physical peril are
you allowed to kick another guy in the nuts.
13: Unless you're in prison, never fight naked.
14: Friends don't let friends wear Speedos. Ever. Issue closed.
15: If a man's fly is down, that's his problem, you didn't see anything.
16: Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to drink as much as the other sports watchers.
17: A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.
18: Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza, but not both, that's just greedy.
19: If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you'd better be talking about his choice of beer.
20: Never join your girlfriend or wife in discussing a friend of yours, except if she's withholding sex pending your response.
21: Phrases that may NOT be uttered to another man while lifting weights:
(a) Yeah, Baby, Push it!
(b) C'mon, give me one more! Harder!
(c) Another set and we can hit the showers!
22: Never talk to a man in a bathroom unless you are on equal footing: i.e., both urinating, both waiting in line, etc. For all other situations, an almost imperceptible nod is all the conversation you need.
23: Never allow a telephone conversation with a woman to go on longer than you are able to have sex with her. Keep a stopwatch by the phone. Hang up if necessary.
24: The morning after you and a girl who was formerly "just a friend" have carnal, drunken monkey sex, the fact that you're feeling weird and guilty is no reason for you not to nail each other again before the discussion about what a big mistake it was occurs.
25: It is acceptable for you to drive her car. It is not acceptable for her to drive yours.
26: Thou shalt not buy a car in the colors of brown, pink, lime green, orange or sky blue.
27: The girl who replies to the question "What do you want for Christmas?" with "If you loved me, you'd know what I want!" gets an Xbox. End of story.
28: There is no reason for guys to watch Ice Skating or Men'sGymnastics. Ever.
29: The only time two men are allowed to hold hands is if one is dangling over a cliff... and only then if family
30: Never tell her she looks fat in that
Monday, 8 December 2008
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
“Open up and get your gat man, Feds are around here”, China’s Jamaican accent was strong as he tapped on the side window. He passed me a package as I handed over fifty pounds in cash to him. The exchange was done discreetly, just like in the movies when drugs were being exchanged for cash. I tucked the package under my leather jacket close to my abdomen, pressed on the gas and off I was to the city of Chelsea.
As I drove, his face flashed in my head, then her face, then his face shouting, then her face crying, then his face pleading, then her frame falling to the floor. I pulled over by the side of the road, placed my aching head on my hands while they rested on the steering wheel frame. I cried and cussed as I remembered the moments that led to this night.
I met her during a house party that was organised by my good friend Tunde; as soon as I saw her; I was immediately drawn to her. She wore a black Donna Karan dress which made her look more like an angel than human. I knew the dress was by Donna Karan because I had seen the same dress on Miss Beyonce on the YBF website. She was very polite when I spoke to her, she went by the name Kemi which was very similar to Femi my name, she even danced with me that night and when she shared a dance with Tunde, I watched as she glided effortlessly to the tune of the music, at that moment, it became my desire to get to know her more than anyone in the world.
Kemi and I became very close, pretty much from the get go, we did everything and went everywhere together. We had dinners countless times and we generally got on. I would always say to my friends that she was my equal. It was so obvious how close we got that random people would ask if she was my sister, at first it was almost cute but it became a regular thing, I just figured when you love someone so much, you begin to act, talk and look like them.
It was only natural we took our relationship to the next level, at that time, it had being two years since that house party organised by my friend Tunde. That night was beautiful, the moon was full so we knew even the heavens wanted our union. I invited her into my room, I had spent the whole day cleaning every bit and I made sure that mom had gone to her regular Friday vigil at the church. I had candles everywhere and also roses on the bed, it was going to be her first time and I was going to make it as special as possible.
She seemed too excited when she walked in, I was under the impression she was impressed by my preparations but my disappointment knew no bounds when she told me she was excited about her parents coming to visit from the USA, however she made up for the disappointment with twenty kisses, a back rub and a very good night.
Two months later, I noticed Kemi was a bit distant, I wondered if I had rushed her into sleeping with me but when I asked her about it she said she wanted it more than I did and her distance was because her parents were around. I continued to be what I was to her and tried not to worry so much about the very obvious changes. I asked her if I could meet her parents and she always declined until one day when I received a text message on my mobile telephone from Kemi.
“We need to talk, your parents and mine"
I called her immediately but she did not answer my telephone call, I knew within me something was not in place, I called my mother on the telephone and informed her, she never met Kemi simply because I hid Kemi from her but I am aware that she knows about her. She did not ask me many questions but said that I should confirm the time of the meeting. After two weeks of continuous calling on the telephone, Kemi finally answered my telephone call and confirmed my worst assumption. Yes, she was pregnant. My world stood still simply because I was not ready to be a father. I had no paternal example, my mother was a single parent and all I knew about my father was he left when I was about three with my sibling. There were no pictures and prolonged stories about him, my mother never brought another man home. The only family I knew were the Cosby’s, however I decided to embrace the responsibility. I love Kemi too much to let her go, in fact the idea of Kemi and I together forever flattered me.
I drove myself and my mother to the city of Chelsea, I knew Kemi was from a rich family but a house by the river Thames was out of my imagination, she stayed with her half sister and I never went over to her house simply because we enjoyed our privacy. We approached the elevator, pushed the button to open it, when we were inside, my mother smiled at me, it was her way of saying I am here for you. She has always being there for me, she always gave me the best, although she had to work loads of hours at the Hospital as a nurse, she was always around whenever I called. I pushed the button for the fifth floor and I prepared myself to meet Kemi’s parents.
The door was opened by Kemi, she looked so beautiful even more than ever. I wondered if pregnancy made women look better. She was very polite to my mother as she ushered us into the well spaced and decorated living room. We sat side by side on the very comfortable sofa, my nerves at that point was overflowing, I was very anxious about meeting her parents but the smile on my mother’s face calmed me down. I was very thankful she was there with me. Kemi announced she was going to let her parents we were here and excused herself as she walked into the other room out of my sight.
A very elegant woman walked out of the room first, she spoke very well as she introduced herself as the wife, she was very proper with her ways and indeed very polite. I hoped Kemi’s father will also be as pleasant and proper.
He did walk out of the room, about three minutes after his wife, as he got closer, he stopped. Something was wrong; I noticed the discomfort in my mother’s face. He also looked like he had seen a ghost, it was certain my mother knew Kemi’s father. That was not a pleasant moment.
Words escaped my mother’s lips, words that had no meaning attached to them, words like “I hope this is not what I think it is”, these words made no sense to me. He slumped into the sit next to him and yelled out Kemi’s name.
When Kemi came into the surrounding, he asked he if I was responsible for her pregnancy. I answered yes even before she could. He looked at me dead in the eyes and looked directly at my mother whose face was covered with tears. I had never seen my mother cry, this was bigger than pregnancy, something else was wrong.
He started shouting, yelling and yapping. I could not make out what he was saying but I knew he wanted my mother and me to leave immediately. My mother stood toe to toe with him and said, “You did this to us, you left with her”, my mother pointed towards Kemi. It became clearer then, the man that stood in front of my mother is my father, and Kemi is my sister. It made sense, Femi and Kemi. My mother did mention once when I was young that I came into this world with someone, she never went into details. It is clearer now. Those random people did see the similarities; she was my twin, my sibling that was taken away. Then I heard him pleading, I guess Kemi put everything together in her head too because she fell to the floor, she fainted. I was mad, I could not take anymore. I looked into his eyes, my father’s eyes and vowed to kill him.
I ran out of the house, grabbed my mobile telephone and dialled China, I needed a piece, and I needed a gun. I will end this the best way; I will take out the man that brought this upon me.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Vote or Die
This has caused the election story to take another turn. ----- click to view
Monday, 8 September 2008
the world ends on wednesday
Sunday, 31 August 2008
fun day
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
this is not the sixties
clickto read more.
I shall reserve my comments, but those who know me know what i think
Friday, 22 August 2008
Poke Me
The wonderful invention of the Internet made things easier, now i can sit within the walls of my house, in front of my laptop and chat to whoever. Msn and Yahoo messenger made interaction possible, however where do we draw the line between virtual interaction and real interaction. I understand sometimes, there is a cross over but a distinct line needs to be established.
Networking sites such as face book have made socialising possible and interesting. I can click on a random page, go through their pictures and essentially know all i need to know about that person. Poking is the new telephone calling, face book is the new email.
I met someone the other day, we had a very good conversation, it was only necessary to ask for her telephone number, she turned and said "face book me".
I have even heard about face book relationships and indeed marriages. The world is getting smaller.
My question for this week is;
Is it possible to find/discover something so spiritual as love through the physical means of the Internet?
Friday, 15 August 2008
Call me naive, but I was under the impression this was confined to the capacity of my television set through the genius of Nollywood. What happened to diginity, and honour?
What will push an educated, elegant, well taught, ambitious Nigerian girl to such measures to get a man?
Monday, 11 August 2008
sumfin sumfin
It was my early teens during that vague time, just graduated from the educational system of the junior secondary school, and chosen to study sciences at the senior secondary school; I was going to follow the steps of the elders of my family and train to be a medical doctor. I remember being filled with pride every time I imagined the prefixed title “Dr” before my name, I had promised myself to continue the trend of hard work academically that got me a place at the faculty of science at the senior secondary school.
Like my peers, I enrolled for after school tuition programme to fine tune everything I had learnt at the senior secondary school. Little did I know that I was about to venture into the school of life and all that came with it.
I knew about girls before my junior secondary school graduation and all they came with, I understood their need for attention, the constant change of their physical appearance and the beauty they possessed. Beauty drew me to Rita, she was like a toy I had to have, like an itch that needed scratch, however I was too shy to express to Rita how I thought about her, nobody had instructed me about girls, but there are certain things one pick during growth and not letting Rita know the truth about the reason I was always around her was one of those things. In other words, she was my first crush but I never told her.
Rita was nothing compared to the girl I encountered at the after school tuition programme. The circumstances were like quick sand, it unhurriedly but progressively consumed me. It was most certainly unexpected nonetheless it was the beginning of my foundation involving the opposite sex.
During one of the lectures, she walked through the door like an angel without wings, the lecturer took a moment to adjust and compose his questions about the reason she had being late to the lecture. Her voice was so pleasing, though her excuse was nonsense; she was allowed to proceed into the class. I remember thinking her voice was as calm as warm breeze, I became aware of her instantaneously, although I had harboured no intentions.
As days and weeks went by, we became what one might call “classmates”. This meant that all our interactions stated and ended in class. One sunny afternoon, during a literature lecture, (one of my not so important classes), we had being instructed by the lecturer to write a short story about anything that stuck in our minds, he added that he would pick someone at random to stand before the class and read out what has being written by that person. I quickly wrote about the upcoming basketball game, I emphasized the training I had initiated through my writing, I wrote with pride, I wrote with honour, I was hoping that my name be called, thinking about it now, I was trying to show off.
She stood in front of the class, with her note book rested on her opened palms, she read out the story of her imagination, she read out what was stuck in her mind, she read out what she wrote with her own pen on her own paper. She used real names, real locations, but imaginary scenarios, her story was beautiful especially the part when she got the boy she had always wanted, it was more beautiful when that boy’s name was revealed; it was surreal when she uttered my name.
After that incident, she acted usual towards me, I overheard her telling her friends that it was just a made up story, it didn’t mean anything. I acted up too, if it didn’t mean a thing to her, it meant less to me. We carried on our class mate interactions during that term. After some time, she left for a boarding school, initially I was unaware she had gone, when I heard, I acted nonchalant although I missed seeing her around.
I decided to write her a letter after a while, my heart palpitated increasingly as I wrote each word. I wrote the letter as friendly as I could but I secretly wished she read between the lines and became aware of my unexplained feelings. It was funny because I had no postal address for her to mail the letter so I kept it in one of my shoe boxes and hoped my twin sister would not find it and make a mockery of me.
At the after school tuition programme, I was handed an enveloped note by one of the lecturers. I didn’t have any idea where the enveloped note came from and was scared that I had done something wrong at the after school tuition programme and the proprietor had written me a warning. I hurriedly pushed the note into my back pack as I didn’t want any of the other students seeing me with the note. I rushed home after lecturers, ate dinner and told my parents I needed to do some homework before I went to bed.
I secretly removed the note from my bag when I was alone with my homework; I had made up my mind to rip it if it was a warning. My heart leaped into my mouth after I read the contents of the letter. It was NIFEMI, she wrote she would be coming back soon, and she could not wait to see me again. Those simple well written words meant so much to me, I was unable to concentrate on my homework, and it became impossible to remove her image from my imagination. I folded the note, carefully placed it in my shoe box and decided to sleep for the night. I could not sleep and I could not stop thinking about her.
She came back and I experienced the most wonderful innocent attraction ever. We never kissed or even held hands but her presence was worth more than a million kisses. The moments I shared with her were priceless. I remember going to bed early so I can wake up early to see her, it was unbelievable, even these words I write are unable to do justice to half of how I felt at that time, she was everything to me; she was more than everything to me. We used to write each other every time even though we saw each other every time, however we expressed more on paper than we ever spoke. We would hide the letters in books and borrowed it to each other. It was amazing, she is my 1st love. She made me feel things then I didn’t understand; she gave me the opportunity to have intimate moments with the opposite sex without any suggestions of sex; she laid the foundation for my true love. She gave me the tools to discover me, now I must explore me.
I write this to celebrate her and our moments, my 1st love, the last time I spoke to her, she is already married and I wish her all the best in the world. It is true what they say, your 1st love either makes you or breaks you. She has made me whole enough for my true love.
a lil sumfin sumfin from me eniola alakija to make u believe in love
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Racism in the MEDIA

Yes....did you have to take a double look....nope you are right...that is Beyonce.....Mrs Carter.
Why do white folks keep messing with our women, they took/raped them during and after slavery, now they make them white, are they tyring to say that women of African origin with dark skin can not sell hair products?
I want to believe that racism is at its minimum but when i see things like this.........arggggggg!!!!!
Sunday, 3 August 2008
pay ATTENtion PLease
please check out this website and do as your heart wishes
will be back to blogging soon
Monday, 23 June 2008
Lagos Part 4
my pops is still the best in the world, he actually has this charity thing he does for some schools, i was invited to give a speech, wow...that day i felt like wole soyinka....just to let you know, it went really nice and i feel good that i did my bit for the charity organisation.
went to the beach the other day with my was nice and some chick almost got carried away....but superman was there to help.
im gonna be making my way to ghana soon, so i hope to bring you some shanti gist
ohhh.....seen some nigerian celebs.....stella damascus, konga, ali baba, nkem owo, genevive and 9ice
like i said 9ice is blowing up big here, the other day some thugs surrounded him and he dropped 10k and come see jubilation......its all on my camera
plus we have a street here in lagos...its called adeyemo alakijas street....woohooo
well, i will be back to some serious blogging later
Peace and Alakija Love
to kay, enitan, sade and U.......................loves u
p.s...the story about the girl in the previous post is jokes
and ohh, saw this okada man with the complete asda uniform*uk people understand asda*
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Lagos Part 3
yesterday, on the 3rd mainland bridge or maybe at the bottom, some man begging for money was singing chris browns without sounds good, he deserved my 1000 naira and a recording deal with simon
after i gave him the money, he called his friend to come sing for me.....l0l...sorry, his friend didnt get nothing from me
i have the best pops in the world......when i grow i will be like him, he has being sorting me out here....when nepa...electricity idiots.....cut the power,my dad would say eniola count to 10, before i count 4, the electricity is sister said he is only doing that cos im back
met this gurl the other day, we had a good conversation, i really didnt think anything of it, till she started blowing up my telephone, she requested i come over to her house, so i went.....she has the biggest house i have ever seen...i sat on the very expensive settee...sipped a bit of the fanta that was offered to me and then homegurl said.....i really like you...i said thank you but i have a very nice gurlfriend already....homegurl said she doesnt care, as long as she has me, its fine....boi that was my cue to flattering as it was, it was plain scary...... cuz is here we are about to hit the place they call silverbird, hope it is worth the hype
Peace and ALAKIJA love
Monday, 16 June 2008
Lagos Part 2
the electricity and the bike situation is something i think will not get better (not when i am here tho)
today as we drove on the busy road of lagos, some stupid bike man with his passengers collided with the car....funny the uk, police will be there doing what they do best....the nigerian police were there asking for MONEY
there are some fun places here, being to this huge house for a house party, can u imagine only one family stay in a house as huge as a castle.....everyday, isee a new thing, a new event
nigerians are very carefree...the driving is nothing encouraging.....but i drove night
everywhere i go, all i seem to hear is 9ice....he has got made love out here
Nigeria is still my home and in the midst of all these, i am having a blast
the wedding was very nice too...Val was lookin flyyyyyyyyyyy and femi was cool too.....looking forward to the uk event.
still here, i know this aint much but i thot id keep up with this blog thing
if u wanna get in touch, txt my t-mobile number....(it works out here)
Peace an Love
p.s excuse my typos...the internet connection is still slow
missin uk and U
Friday, 13 June 2008
lagos part 1
everybody here seems to be on a mission, no regards, no consideration......however i am looking to better things
so i stepped off the plane and i was hit by the heat wave, cleared at the customs and all the what did you bring for us people at the gates, found my father in the crowd and off to the car
seriously, i thought i usually drive really fast but compared to the way the driver man stepped on the gas, i must say that i was taken aback and i have come to the conclusion that i drive as fast as a snail.
like i said i am still hoping for better things and i know it can only get better, still got femi and vals wedding to attend tomorrow.
everything here is pretty fast except for internet connection. plus i really cant operate this computer keyboard....everything seems different out here
missing UK.........................u know who you are
and to my American gurl............................miss u too
Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Sunday, 8 June 2008
Lagos I dey come o
So Lagos better be grand...............if you know me, you are in Lagos, holla at your me a drink(even pure
I am all packed, ready to go......................I haven't been to Nigeria in a very long time so expect daily post from me(if u care enough to read my blog) as i will be there a lil while.
Till I blog again, under the Nigerian sun, by the beach, on a bambo chair, sipping coconut juice while feeding my sense of sight with the very elegant African beauty(s)
Peace and Love
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
I am very happy today as i have witnessed a huge positive change in History, today I saw OBAMA win the presidential candidate race.
Makes me think about the pride those that made this happen might be feeling at the moment. I am talking about those Africans that were snatched from the bossoms of mother Africa, brought into a new world, maltreated, abused and made to feel worse than pigs. Those that fought for our right to learn to read and write, those that had dreamt about freedom of our minds, those that fought for us to vote, those that built these western worlds, those denied human rights, those whose blood runs in my veins.
I will be supporting OBAMA all the way, however it will be very interesting to see what will happen next, whatever happens though, HISTORY has being made and this is the begining.
When OBAMA wins though, it would make it even more interesting and dare i say sweeter.
We are taking over the world, we are taking back what belongs to us, It's OBAMA today, it shall be ME tomorrow....when is it gonna be your turn.
Make that change.
Africa here i come..................again
Friday, 23 May 2008
Saturday, 17 May 2008
SEx....whatz all the fuzzz
They say that sex before marriage is a sin before God, I have struggled to believe this for a very long time and even as I write, I still seek explanation to the mystery that surrounds the ethics of sexual relationship and how this relates to God.
One might argue that sex is a symbol of love, this I believe to be true because after marriage, sex represents intimacy. So what makes sex bad before marriage and good after marriage?
My knowledge leads me to believe that whatever is bad is bad, and whatever is good is good. A lie can not become the truth, regardless of any explanation you have, so what makes sex bad and then good?
Before I continue, I feel the need to define my understanding of sex as I know that different people will have different definition for sex.
My definition of sex is the ultimate and most intimate exchange of physical, mental and emotional pleasure; it is yearning to connect with another soul and having one’s innermost desires met.
A level of most intimate can not be achieved unless love is in abundance, however I am not oblivious to the fact that sex has being abused and is constantly being abused. I also understand the spiritual connection that sex promotes. Notice I wrote “promote” and not “begin”, because I believe that a spiritual connection can be attained without sexual encounter.
So my question is what makes sex unacceptable before marriage and acceptable after marriage?
If your answer involves the bible and you feel the need to direct me to the letter of Paul to the Corinthians, you will have to explain why Paul wrote the letter and what he intended during that period or if you wish to direct me to what the bible states about fornication, then you will have to tell me why it is fornication before marriage and not after marriage since sex is still the major factor.
Ok, now I feel the need to write about fornication. The word fornication does not mean sexual relationship between two unmarried people. OK, let me explain before you rain insults on me.
You will have to agree with me that the bible you carry about is only a translation of what the true bible is. The bible was translated from Greek to English by King James. This is why it states on the first few pages of the bible the bold inscription King James Version.
If the bible was first written in Greek, then it would be common knowledge that those who wrote the bible were Greeks and they wrote in their language. God does not change, His words will not change, and therefore the Greek meaning of words in the bible will always be superior to the interpretations of King James. Someone said, all the answers we need are in the bible, all we have to do is understand what we read. Its plain and simple, the most widely known version of the bible is the King James Version. [version means (according to the dictionary) a particular account of some matter, as from one person or source, contrasted with some other account, a translation]. This does not mean real account.
I will give you the findings of my research for fornication, the true meaning, the Greek meaning;
Fornication. porneia, por-ni'-ah; harlotry (includ. adultery and incest); fig. idolatry:-fornication.
In plain English, fornication means sleeping with prostitutes.
This has not being written in any way, shape or form to promote/demote sex, however, if you have questions like I do, this might prompt you to make enquires and share your findings with the world.
I have not written this to confuse anyone, though the true meaning of fornication means sleeping with prostitutes; that should not be a reason for anyone to abuse sex.
All I want to know is what makes sex unacceptable before marriage and acceptable after marriage?
Thursday, 8 May 2008 im not RELIGIOUS
Religion also CONTAINS ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction.
My issue with religion started during the events of September 11, 2001, the atrocious events that unfolded on the television screen made me cringe. I would spare you the details of the happenings of that day, however, I was very flabbergasted to learn that the suicide bombers did GOD a favour, can you imagine doing the GOD a favour? It was accepted in their religion to die for GOD. The event and new knowledge prompted me to make enquires about religion and indeed GOD.
There are many religions in the world today, you do not have to go far before you discover a new form of religion. Each one of them have set rules and laws that followers have to adhere to; some examples are dietary laws, clothing laws and even morals. Each religion worships GOD in their own way and some religion might look at another religion as inferior or invalid.
Who is to say that one reliigon is superior and the other is inferior. Which religion leads to God? Which religion has the right set of rules or laws? Which religion is more spiritual?
The truth is the answers to the above questions depends on your background, your environment, your family’s beliefs, your personal experiences, your level of faith etc.
I will not be able to comment on other religions apart from the one known as “CHRISTIANITY”; this is because I was brought up as a christian. Apologies are in order, if you are of a different faith, however I hope you can relate to some of the points I make.
Christianity is a religion centered on the LIFE and TEACHINGS of JESUS CHRIST, and christians believe that JESUS is the true and only son of GOD. Do I believe that Jesus is the true and only son of God? This I BELIEVE to be a FACT.
If Christianity does center on the life and teachings of Jesus, why do we need the old testament part of the bible?, is this part of the bible irrelevant to christianity? Why do we need the bible?, and is the bible the word of God?
The old testament part of the bible contained the creation of the world, the laws of Moses, the promises of God to the Isrealites, the struggles and lives of the Isrealites to the promise land, and the prophesise of the coming of Jesus Christ. This part of the bible contains the ways of Judaism. Yes JUDAISM.
Is the old testament irrelevant to Christianity?
I would have to say a big fat NO, if I believe Jesus to be the son of God which I do, then I want to learn everything about him, his ways, and his people. I also believe in the Trinity so I would also like to know how people in the past related to God and how God treated this people, however my belief in JESUS has nothing to do with the old testament. I understand the old testament to be documented information about some people that related to God, see I believe that God also related to people outside the geography stated in the old testament. I WOULD LIKE TO STATE THAT EVEN THOUGH I DO NOT BASE MY BELIEF IN JESUS ON THE INSCRIPTIONS IN THE BIBLE, I BELIEVE THAT THE BIBLE IS VERY RELEVANT.
The bible is needed because it contains the life and teachings of Jesus, and also the growth of the new faith called christianity. Many would say that the bible is the word of God, I say, the bible contains documented words of God spoken to different groups of particular people. I guess the next question is who wrote the bible? Different books of the bible were written at different periods by people who wish to document happenings that were new/strange to them at that point. You can not say to me that Moses was writing EXODUS with a pen and paper while he was crossing the red sea. The bible was put together many years after Jesus left the earth, when Paul wrote letters to differents nations (corinthians, ephesians etc). Some parts of documentations were also removed from the bible to fit into the laws and traditions of that time.
Christianity has many forms, shapes and sizes. There are a many types of christians, differents ways, different beliefs even in Christianity. All in the name of religion. The christian religion has benefited some people, it has provided a sense of belonging for some, hope for some, and restoration for some.It has also caused so many people so much. Africans were taken as slaves in the name of christianity, so many lifes has being lost in the name of christianity.
Religion to me is boundaries, it is full of laws, regulations, do’s and don’t’s. As Christians we need to seek to follow the life of Jesus, adapt His ways to our ways. If you study Jesus properly, He was not religious, everything He did was out of love and that was all He preached about. He stressed the importance of relationship with the Father, he stressed the importance of Love. He took the laws of Moses, the laws and ways from the old testament and he simplified everything. LOVE is all we need.
Jesus said he the only way, no one gets to the Father unless through Him, I believe this, He is the path I am moving on. When Jesus died, something happened, the curtains of the temple spilt, this signifies that Jesus has created a link between Man and the Father. That is the only link I need, I do not religion, I AM NOT RELIGIOUS.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
What would you do?
I move the mobile telephone away from my left ear to see whose name was flashing on the LCD screen. It is Dayo, my friend of over six years. I stare at the liquid crystal display screen wondering if I should hit the call receive button or not. I hit the call receive button after a few flashes but he is not on the other side of the line, instead I hear a slightly high pitch voice of Joyce.
“Who was that? I have being here saying hello but you have being quiet, I hope all is well?”
I adjust myself in my bed, sit upright, switch on the side bed lamp, and my eyes struggle to adjust to the now lit room.
“Joyce, I will call you back in the morning, I would really like to get some sleep now”
“But you said you will have an answer for me today, I can’t help this anymore, the past is the past, I am ready for the future, I am ready for you”, she sounded more serious
“Seriously, I really need to get some sleep, it is almost 3 and I have to be up by 6, plus I have a long day ahead”
“Ok, about we do lunch?”
“Sure, I get off at 1”
We say our good nights and I lay my head on the pillow, close my eyes tightly and try so hard to drift into Sleep-Ville. I can’t stop moving around, I can not sleep; I can not stop thinking about Dayo.
I met him at the university; we hit it off from the first time we played football on the fields of Warwick University. He was very good on the right wing, he reminded me of the great George Finidi of the Nigerian super eagles. We also stayed in the same block and even attended the same classes. We did everything and went everywhere together. He was my brother from another mother; he liked women to a pulp and he would always get into one drama or the other.
He was what one would describe as a Casanova until he met her. She changed a lot about him, from the way he dressed to the way he talked and even the way he saw life. He loved her more than cooked food; it was obvious after a while that they were going to be together forever.
I became the intermediate guy, the one who would tag along to every event, even if it was my idea and I had invited them. I was also the peace maker, whenever they had any burst up, they would come to me to tell their sides and I was responsible for making peace. I was not in a stable relationship then so it was easy for them to always disturb me with their love affairs, however, I was not bothered as I was just happy being good friends with the both of them.
After University, Dayo got a well paid job in the heart of Nigeria, the place most people would call Abuja. Joyce cried and cried after he left but they promised to always visit each other frequently. Joyce and I continued being friends; we would call Dayo together, sit and chat to him for so many hours on Microsoft msn chat on the World Wide Web. They continued their love across the ocean and I was very happy getting on with my life.
Joyce started spending more time at my place when I moved to South London about three years after Dayo left; I had secured a good job with an office with the view of the Thames. It was ten times better pay than what I was getting at my old place of work. I loved the river so much I got a pad by the river which happened to be about ten miles away from Joyce’s house. She called me regularly on the mobile telephone; she would suggest movies, theatres, shows and so on. She also called every night before she slept. We began spending so much time together it began to get weird as I couldn’t tell Dayo about this anytime we spoke on the telephone. Even though they had broken up the relationship due to distance, he still expressed his feelings towards her in his words. He had started making plans about coming back to the United Kingdom and hopefully reignite the lost spark between the both of them.
Two weeks ago, she came over and said that she wanted to be with me, she moved closer and kissed me on the lips. I was so taken aback that I didn’t even realise that my tongue had slipped into her mouth, it felt really good but I had to break free when Dayo’s image appeared in my mind. I reminded her about Dayo and how we were friends but she called him the past and me the present.
I have harboured feelings for her for a long time now and since the kiss I have ignored Dayo’s calls and text messages. I can not stop thinking about her and indeed him but I have to do what is best for me.
It is almost 5:30am and I have to get ready for work soon, another night has gone by, another sleep has pass me by, I can not wait to see Joyce today but I need to know where my heart lies. Confess and stay loyal to my friend Dayo or be Joyce’s future?
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
1st May in LondON, election day, three top candidates and only one stands out for me.....lets call him KEN. Mr Boris is too eccentric for my liking and Mr Brian..........lets just say there is something about him about liking men that puts me off, so that leaves KEN, the present Mayor, will he be Mayor tomorrow?, I HOPE SO.
I love my soul music so much, it keeps me inspired and collected, not that I go off the rails or, however, my Cuz landed from the motherland about a week and a half ago, brought some audio cd's with him, since I really do not enjoy copy-cats, I initailly thought that the Nigerian Hiphop thing was a waste of time, unpleasant noise.
Let me be the first to say that I was so wrong, I am now feeling the MO HITS CREW, I used to think D'banj just shouts, however, having taken some time to listen to his music, i know that he is original. Wande Coal rocks too, that song Ololufe is just on point, I must admit it took me two listens to get the hook' Personally I feel DonJazzy makes good beats and his cameo vocals on some of the tracks were also very cool, original and different.
If you haven't the album "C.V", get it now, it's really cool. If you know D'banj, DonJazzy, Wande Coal or any of the MO HITS CREW, tell em to holla, i just gave them some props on my dear blog.
Till I get back to my usual self, with an unblocked nose and a motivated mind
Friday, 11 April 2008
Love can seem to be so unachievable yet it remains well within our reach if we only learn how to embrace it's power.
To experience true love, we must be willing to open ourselves up and sacrifice part of our heart and part of our soul. We must be willing to give of ourselves freely, and we must be willing to suffer.
It is only when we expose our inner selves to the hot flame of rejection, that love can burn so brightly as to join two souls, melting the two into one, creating a bond that joins forever. It is from this bond that we draw strength eternal and power ever lasting.
It is in this thing that we call love that we find the means to achieve greatness, both in ourselves and in our lives.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
oh well
Lost the bet with my father, can u believe my own father bet against me[Arsenal] and i lost so the lil Afro will go before the end of this week.
The positive for me is Fantastic Mr Flash himself Theo Walcott.
I need some time to reflect on this but i know that i will be fine soon.
Till i blog again.
Monday, 7 April 2008
SouthamPTONS. K. E. SUNday . TOday
Drive was pretty swift, yep i know how to use the accelerator. Within the hour.5, i was there, nice city i must say, there was a feel of ummmm..still can't explain it but i know it got me thinking about buying a little pent house out there. Got to K's, saw E (uhmm beautiful people), danced around for a bit, drove around the hamptons, had some pizza, then chilled, and chilled, looked into her eyes and chilled again, and then more looking, more chilling, chatting, more chilling, then the sun came up and i had to get back to green kingston. C-u-soon S'Hampton
Felt like a scene from the BEST MAN on sunday, you know when the boys went to get fitted for a wedding suit. Yep, me and my boy went for fitting, he is getting married soon and yes yours truely is the BEST MAN. Got me thinking, one day we are all going to ask that question or answer that question (ok maybe not all, but most definately me), after fitting we chilled at some Bagel bar, since it was all snow in london in APRIL, we thought a hot chocolate and nice salmon with cream cheese bagel would do just fine. Even witnessed the olymic touch dis and dats, there was that man that tried to extinguise the touch.....seriously...that wasn't a good look....i am trying so hard not to go down the political path.
So today, i had this thing for some chocolate, stopped by the store, parked across this other car, hoping to be in and out in a geeefeee. Picked up my bounty, was about to pay when i heard some european lady cussin and yappin that some *&())*&^%%$ has blocked her in, I quickly paid, apologised and proceeded to move my car to a now opened space, she came to where i was and said"thanks for not insulting me, as i know i was very rude to you, i really didn't need your car moved but i just wanted to get someone in trouble". I looked at her, said "its cool" and i drove away...............SILLY OYINBO WOMAN
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
My Headwear
I have a few sojis (sojihats) and i can tell you its one of the best things i have.
So you know, since this blog is about me and me, i thought i'd let you know how i come thru sometimes.

Sunday, 30 March 2008
Summer is officially here, but the sun is still hiding
I have met some fantastic people during the month of March(shout out to Enitan and many more), i have also learnt new lessons and definitely cut some people out (I do not hate these people, i just do not like them). In March, i have seen the sun, the rain, the snow, the sky, Obama making history and so many more.
So join me today as i welcome a better summer, longer days, shorter nights and of course new feelings. Let us thank the Lord for these opportunity.
I have definitely decided to make some more changes, i will do something new/spectacular before fall (autumn), make a new person happy everyday, spread some more love through my lovely smile and open arms, find a church of worship, paint more, play more basketball, go to Africa and use my camera more.
So this is me wishing you a wonderful, stress free, blessed, exciting summer.
P.S if you are in the UK, the clock has gone forward................................
Friday, 28 March 2008
So I tried to write a short story
I am rushing into the comfortable space of my king-sized bed, I shall lay my head on my duck feathered pillow and allow my imaginations give me wings, maybe I might find myself in dream land, where everything seems perfect yet beyond my intelligent control.
The reason for my insane intention is to maybe dream, imagine or even think about the beauty of my sub-conscious, well maybe not anymore. I know her, she feels like me and when she speaks to me, all I do is smile, even deep in my dream.
She started appearing in my imagination about three weeks ago, she was the most beautiful sight I had ever imagined, I tried to describe her with words but yet I was let down by sentences. She stood outside the town’s church place in a black jumper. I noticed the jumper because, the weather was not too cold, it seemed like spring.
About two weeks ago, she was in my imaginations again, she actually appeared twice that week, she was underneath a waterfall, I remembered thinking, she must be exotic since I have never heard of waterfalls in good old United Kingdom. Her second appearance in my imaginations happened towards the end of that week, she stood in front of a mirror which reflected the rays of the sun, and she seemed an angelic image.
Last week, she had crept from my imaginations into my dreams, I dreamt that I actually met this mysterious beauty, I held her hands and I noticed the wonderful butterfly tattoo on the inside part of her right hand wrist. She spoke to me, I smiled, I listened and in her eyes I noticed the reflection of the rainbow. That was all I could remember from the dream.
Work was a bit hectic that day, I was glad to be going home, however I hated the journey home. I had to ride the tube and then two different buses before I made it to Kingston town. London has become so overcrowded, everyone seemed to bump into each other, my only comfort was that my favourite team was on TV that night; Arsenal games are always a joy to watch.
I alighted from the train at Kingston town and I proceeded to make my final journey home on my feet, I was about ten minutes away from my humble house when the skies opened, there was no prior warning, the rain just started pouring. I remembered I had an umbrella in my bag so I stopped under the shade of the town’s church building to get my umbrella when I saw her. She reminded me of someone as she walked past the church building, raining pouring so hard over her unsheltered self. She had a white coat on which I thought was going to get dirty because of the rain so I walked over to her and offered to share my umbrella with her.
Just as suddenly as the rain begun, the rain stopped and the sun was in full blast. Then I noticed that I had not introduced myself to her; I undid the umbrella, extended my hands while I introduced myself. Then I noticed she had a black jumper underneath her white coat, I questioned her fashion sense, I wondered if she had known that the weather would play up since it was almost spring time.
She offered to reciprocate my kindness by buying me a drink, I kindly declined but she was persistent so I accepted.
We took a sit by the corner opposite the window at star bucks, I offered to go and get our hot cups of vanilla hot chocolate and hazelnut hot chocolate. As I turned with the drinks in my hand, I noticed her reflection in the huge mirror that was being carried by two men through the store, behind her was a huge picture of the rainbow; I thought that would have being a good photographic moment. There was something about her, I felt like I knew her from somewhere but I could not seem to pinpoint.
Half way through the drinks, we had spoken about each other, she spoke with a low tone, she sounded melodic and I loved every moment with her. She had the most unique face, impossible to describe with words but she was the most beautiful being I ever set my huge African eyes upon. She glowed like the rainbow. I also noticed she had a tattoo inscription of the words “spread your wings like a butterfly” on the inside of wrist part of her right hand.
So as I switch off the television and walk into my bedroom onto the comfort of my king sized bed, I am overjoyed because I shall lie side by side with the woman from my dreams.
By eniola alakija
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Silly people
All i can say is what goes around comes around, i will be the bigger man, take what comes to me and deal with it.
That person needs to understand that I AM STILL STANDING
after the rain, comes the rainbow
this poem i write is dedicated to this person and those that have chosen that path
People dislike what they dont understand,
Hate who they can not be,
Reflect their weakness through oppressing,
Express their sadness through rumours.
Attitude reflects leadership,
I wear mine as a badge of honour,
I am exceptional,
Exceeding every limitations
Do not hold your breath,
You will never see me fall,
If i fall, i shall rise higher than before,
You are a slave to my aura,
You should bow in my presence
Keep talking that talk,
You are going to make me a living legend,
That is the reason for your being,
Your purpose shall be served
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
A Change Is Going to Come
Monday, 17 March 2008
Sunday, 16 March 2008
There i was, just "flicking" through tv channels on this boring wet sunday and suddenly i saw it, i said to myself,"not another one of these stories but i shall give it two minutes to prove itself", two minutes went by and i was still watching, 30 minutes, i was so into it, 45 minutes and i was totally engrossed. The classic story was being told in a very unique way, gave me another insight into HIS life and this triggered questions in my mind, questions about his mother, his people and those that knew him.
The show is the passion and after it was done, i reached for the remote and plused the rest of the series (if you dont live here in the uk, plus is to record the other episodes in advance)
if you want to learn more and join in this discovery with me, then its on tomorrow at 9pm, friday at 9pm, sunday at about 7pm(all uk time) BBC 1 or just click.
They want to know about you,
They seem so interested ,
Who is DP they say?
Could she be Deepest Personality?
Because she blows my mind with her warm soul,
While she stimulates my world,
And constantly inspires my creativity
Could she be a Delightfully Phenomenon?
Every moment with her is always a cherished one,
So I am always nourished with the grace of her presence,
Every minute that passes is an elegant discovery
She is to me, everything and more,
An angel my size,
The one that gives me flight,
Whom I constantly bear my heart to,
She is that voice of encouragement,
Her aura blends well with mine,
She is peace and clarity,
She is love in human form,
She is that face you see when you look in the mirror,
She is mine,
She is DP.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Another song im buzzin on...dis n dats
keyshia cole and anthony hamilton did the song "JUSTICE"
So today, i decided not to play basketball and take a walk, u know clear my mind, i did and it was refreshing, i even discoved certain changes in my lil town of kingston, there is a new big starbuck shop, top shop seems to be everywhere and mcdonalds is getting a makeover......nice ehn, see i haven't been to town in a very long time.
I took a walk through my fav spot in kingston, brougth back some nice memories and also triggered some actions which i have put into place. I came back home and my housemate was on the decks again, making some beats, he asked that i drop some TALK on the mic which i did, he is looking towards making an album, so watch out, you might just see me on TV soon or maybe hear me on 1xtra.
Im still feeling congested...i took some serious dose of paracetamol and phenylephrine hydrochloride but seriously nothing is better than bed right now and some warm feminine hands. and yeah arsenal staying at the top.....
so my count down to Africa begins today........can't wait
Friday, 14 March 2008
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Tracks Of My Tears
just thot id share with you what i am listening to at the moment, i can't seem to get over these motown classics by boys11men and if u have the album, you mos def understand what i am on about...
this is how i feel sometimes....(im human
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
She said she just wanted to check on me since i haven't called in some days now, i apologised and said i have being a bit busy, caught up with dis and dats. She laughed and i could picture her face at that moment, it was like i was right in front of her.
She said she hoped the wind hasn't blown me away as London is becoming a windy city, i said no, i still remember how to make eba, you know the one that taste so good with some nice obe.
She laughed a bit, paused for a while and said,"i am so proud of you, you have given me so much joy and you have achieved so much, i don't mean educational and material achievements, i mean you have grown into a fine young African man and anyone will be proud to associate with you......i love you to bits"
I smiled, a tear dropped from my eye and i said, "i love you too and i am only who i am today because of you, i only walk this path because you showed me, i couldn't have asked for a better teacher, or a better MOTHER.....i love you more than cooked food"
im sharing this with you so you can pick up that telephone and give your MAMA a call
Sunday, 9 March 2008
it gets BETTER
so i have being getting to know DP, i must say, very nice person, feeling the vibes thru and thru...wonderful soul.
i have also being doing some thinking, see i always aim to be the best i can be, getting better and better everyday is something i aspire to every time so i will share some of my thoughts with yall
always have a focus
a journey is never complete without a destination
never lose focus
situations are(is) like riding a bike, you stop paddling, you fall over
know the outcome
if you have expectations, you will drive towards your expectations
always review your successes and failures
always search yourself, know your strenghts and weaknesses more than anyone else
change is the only permanent thing in life, if something is not working out, change your approach, it's never too late. There are more than a way to achieve your aim.
remain positive
a thousand can fall by my right hand and ten thousand by my left hand, it shall not come near me.
believe in yourself, always have faith
so you can be anything you wanna be, the journey starts from within you.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Na wa O
(told you i would blog
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
FABtastic n stuvs

Monday, 3 March 2008
From the Soulstar with SOUL
now this is something that is getting me moving...see i haven't played my guitar in a while but now it's on
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Never Forgets

It has being said that Africans sold Africans to the Europeans. We have being brainwashed to think that we are responsible for our enslavement. They would say that African chiefs and kings sold slaves for gin, western goods and even weapons. The truth of the matter is there were some Africans who collaborated with the Europeans; however there were many African leaders who tried to prevent and fight the slave trade. The Europeans played on our minds and began to set African tribes against the other by giving them weapons. If you were a King, you would defend your Kingdom….Right? It’s called the GUN TRADE CYCLE. All of these benefited one set of people, THE EUROPEAN
The fact is no African country ever had a slave economy; no society in Africa ever had its principle mode as slave production it did not exist in Africa, SLAVE TRADE IS WHAT THE EUROPEANS INVENTED.
There was no concept as “shackled” slavery in Africa; it has being said that we enslaved each other in Africa before the Europeans came. That was not “shackled slavery”, that was a form of domestic servant and it was not about a total desecration of an individuals integrity. Africans used slaves back then to work on their farms and in the house, there were not subjected to mental brutality as they were always part of the family and not regarded even less than dogs and pigs. Do you know that slaves in Europe and America were not even in the same category as the farm animals. The animals got better treatment than THAT MAN WITH THE BLACK FACE, BROAD NOSE AND NAPPY HAIR……THAT COULD HAVE BEING YOUR DIRECT ANCESTOR.
In 1789, Oladuah Equiano wrote about being born in Benin and was enslaved by two African families before taken to the coast and then sold to the Europeans, he wrote that there were loads of differences slavery in Africa and slavery in Europe.
“There is no comparison, in the African system; the slave was part of the family and the slavement was not permanent but in Europe, I have witnessed the most abominable cruelty ever imposed on any human” The Interesting Narrative, and a former slave by Oladuah Equiano
To take somebody away by force from their community is most salvage act ever and we should not forget that. They destroyed towns, villages, lineages, great works of art, stories, and history, there are some songs we never heard, some stories were never told, and some histories taken away for ever.
The most horrible things happened at Elmina Castle (It was the first trading post built on the Gulf of Guinea in GHANA, so is the oldest European building in existence below the Sahara. First established as a trade settlement, the castle later became one of the most important stops on the route of the Atlantic Slave Trade.).
Right in the castle was a CHURCH, around the church were dungeons filled with slaves chained and shackled to the grounds of the dungeons. On Sunday mornings, one would have heard the wails and the moans of those Africans in bondage combined with the so called sacred hymns of the Christian Europeans.
Slavery has affected me in so many ways, it affected my ancestors when they were taken off the shores of Africa, yes we returned and we formed a family again, ALAKIJA, however, I will not stop raising awareness about the horrible things that were done to us, we(Africans) built Europe, London will not be London but for our(Africans) work, wall street, New York will not trade if we(Africans) never built those walls, so take pride in your heritage……we have come a long way and YES WE CAN do anything, even becoming the president of the USA.
You ask me to forget the cry
You ask me to forget the pain
You ask me to forget the blood shed
You ask me to forget the sorrow
You ask me to forget the struggle
You ask me to forget my land
Then you are asking that I forget myself.
By eniola alakija
Friday, 29 February 2008
Thursday, 28 February 2008
so because its the 29th of feb, you dont have to do a thing......well if u dont want to get paid, dont get outta
and yeah.................its the day of marriage watch out a proposal might be coming your way
wake up, get things done, dont ever give up, whateva life throws at you, work with it, roll with it, make something out of it.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
love o love
I guess you can call me a LOVE warrior.....
So the question is what im i on about? well, i heard something today on the radio that made me laugh so hard, now this is real, i am not trying to make this up, it was reported in the newspaper and i heard it on the famous LBC 97.3fm (Londons' biggest chat), if you don't know about LBC, get with it, see it's not all about choice fm and kiss fm(for those in the uk), sometimes, one needs to stimulate the brain, hear about issues affecting us as a nation, even if it is london's biggest chat.
So to the story....
A robbery went to rob the local post office(i dont remember the name of the place now but it's somewhere in the uk), during the robbery, he was smitten by the check-out girl he was robbing. He returned to the scene of the crime the next day with flowers and chocolate for the girl, while confessing his love for her, he also confessed he robbed the store the day before, the police were called and he was arrested.
So what crazy thing have i done because of love?
HAppy BirtHDAY AiMa.......................
Monday, 25 February 2008
Arsene Wenger's Letter
Like everyone else at Arsenal I hope Eduardo makes a full recovery from the terrible injury he suffered at Birmingham on Saturday. His injury was the result of a very bad tackle and the first diagnosis we had after the game was very, very bad. I would not like to go into medical details because I am not qualified enough but the first news was very bad and obviously he was quickly taken to hospital. Will the injury end Eduardo's career? I don't know. I would not go as far as saying that but it does not look good.
It was a highly emotional afternoon and we were all shocked by the injury to Eduardo. On reflection though, I feel that my comments about Martin Taylor were excessive. I said what I did immediately after the game, in the heat of the moment. As for the game itself, Eduardo's injury affected our football 100 per cent. You could see that straight away - it had a big effect. At half time we talked about playing the game we wanted to play and I felt we did that quite well. It was very disappointing that we didn't kill off the game.
I don't believe the free-kick for Birmingham's first goal should have been given and I thought Gael Clichy's tackle was fair and did not warrant a penalty. Five minutes before that stoppage-time equaliser there was a 100 per cent penalty after Adebayor was fouled. But we have to take it, we cannot change it and we have to look at ourselves as well. We have to fight against all that. Frankly we should have killed the game off earlier and scored the third because you can get caught out by any little mistake. Thanks for your support.
Arsène Wenger
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Eduardo da Silva

The Croatia international was challenged by Birmingham's Martin Taylor in the third minute of the game at St Andrews with the centre-back being shown an immediate red card by referee Mike Dean.
Eduardo's clearly distressed team-mates immediately signalled to the sidelines that urgent attention was required and the game was held up for seven minutes as he received treatment on the field.
The injury was deemed to be so serious that replays of the incident were not shown on television.
After being stretchered off the field, he was immediately taken to hospital for further treatment.