Sunday, 30 March 2008
Summer is officially here, but the sun is still hiding
I have met some fantastic people during the month of March(shout out to Enitan and many more), i have also learnt new lessons and definitely cut some people out (I do not hate these people, i just do not like them). In March, i have seen the sun, the rain, the snow, the sky, Obama making history and so many more.
So join me today as i welcome a better summer, longer days, shorter nights and of course new feelings. Let us thank the Lord for these opportunity.
I have definitely decided to make some more changes, i will do something new/spectacular before fall (autumn), make a new person happy everyday, spread some more love through my lovely smile and open arms, find a church of worship, paint more, play more basketball, go to Africa and use my camera more.
So this is me wishing you a wonderful, stress free, blessed, exciting summer.
P.S if you are in the UK, the clock has gone forward................................
Friday, 28 March 2008
So I tried to write a short story
I am rushing into the comfortable space of my king-sized bed, I shall lay my head on my duck feathered pillow and allow my imaginations give me wings, maybe I might find myself in dream land, where everything seems perfect yet beyond my intelligent control.
The reason for my insane intention is to maybe dream, imagine or even think about the beauty of my sub-conscious, well maybe not anymore. I know her, she feels like me and when she speaks to me, all I do is smile, even deep in my dream.
She started appearing in my imagination about three weeks ago, she was the most beautiful sight I had ever imagined, I tried to describe her with words but yet I was let down by sentences. She stood outside the town’s church place in a black jumper. I noticed the jumper because, the weather was not too cold, it seemed like spring.
About two weeks ago, she was in my imaginations again, she actually appeared twice that week, she was underneath a waterfall, I remembered thinking, she must be exotic since I have never heard of waterfalls in good old United Kingdom. Her second appearance in my imaginations happened towards the end of that week, she stood in front of a mirror which reflected the rays of the sun, and she seemed an angelic image.
Last week, she had crept from my imaginations into my dreams, I dreamt that I actually met this mysterious beauty, I held her hands and I noticed the wonderful butterfly tattoo on the inside part of her right hand wrist. She spoke to me, I smiled, I listened and in her eyes I noticed the reflection of the rainbow. That was all I could remember from the dream.
Work was a bit hectic that day, I was glad to be going home, however I hated the journey home. I had to ride the tube and then two different buses before I made it to Kingston town. London has become so overcrowded, everyone seemed to bump into each other, my only comfort was that my favourite team was on TV that night; Arsenal games are always a joy to watch.
I alighted from the train at Kingston town and I proceeded to make my final journey home on my feet, I was about ten minutes away from my humble house when the skies opened, there was no prior warning, the rain just started pouring. I remembered I had an umbrella in my bag so I stopped under the shade of the town’s church building to get my umbrella when I saw her. She reminded me of someone as she walked past the church building, raining pouring so hard over her unsheltered self. She had a white coat on which I thought was going to get dirty because of the rain so I walked over to her and offered to share my umbrella with her.
Just as suddenly as the rain begun, the rain stopped and the sun was in full blast. Then I noticed that I had not introduced myself to her; I undid the umbrella, extended my hands while I introduced myself. Then I noticed she had a black jumper underneath her white coat, I questioned her fashion sense, I wondered if she had known that the weather would play up since it was almost spring time.
She offered to reciprocate my kindness by buying me a drink, I kindly declined but she was persistent so I accepted.
We took a sit by the corner opposite the window at star bucks, I offered to go and get our hot cups of vanilla hot chocolate and hazelnut hot chocolate. As I turned with the drinks in my hand, I noticed her reflection in the huge mirror that was being carried by two men through the store, behind her was a huge picture of the rainbow; I thought that would have being a good photographic moment. There was something about her, I felt like I knew her from somewhere but I could not seem to pinpoint.
Half way through the drinks, we had spoken about each other, she spoke with a low tone, she sounded melodic and I loved every moment with her. She had the most unique face, impossible to describe with words but she was the most beautiful being I ever set my huge African eyes upon. She glowed like the rainbow. I also noticed she had a tattoo inscription of the words “spread your wings like a butterfly” on the inside of wrist part of her right hand.
So as I switch off the television and walk into my bedroom onto the comfort of my king sized bed, I am overjoyed because I shall lie side by side with the woman from my dreams.
By eniola alakija
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Silly people
All i can say is what goes around comes around, i will be the bigger man, take what comes to me and deal with it.
That person needs to understand that I AM STILL STANDING
after the rain, comes the rainbow
this poem i write is dedicated to this person and those that have chosen that path
People dislike what they dont understand,
Hate who they can not be,
Reflect their weakness through oppressing,
Express their sadness through rumours.
Attitude reflects leadership,
I wear mine as a badge of honour,
I am exceptional,
Exceeding every limitations
Do not hold your breath,
You will never see me fall,
If i fall, i shall rise higher than before,
You are a slave to my aura,
You should bow in my presence
Keep talking that talk,
You are going to make me a living legend,
That is the reason for your being,
Your purpose shall be served
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
A Change Is Going to Come
Monday, 17 March 2008
Sunday, 16 March 2008
There i was, just "flicking" through tv channels on this boring wet sunday and suddenly i saw it, i said to myself,"not another one of these stories but i shall give it two minutes to prove itself", two minutes went by and i was still watching, 30 minutes, i was so into it, 45 minutes and i was totally engrossed. The classic story was being told in a very unique way, gave me another insight into HIS life and this triggered questions in my mind, questions about his mother, his people and those that knew him.
The show is the passion and after it was done, i reached for the remote and plused the rest of the series (if you dont live here in the uk, plus is to record the other episodes in advance)
if you want to learn more and join in this discovery with me, then its on tomorrow at 9pm, friday at 9pm, sunday at about 7pm(all uk time) BBC 1 or just click.
They want to know about you,
They seem so interested ,
Who is DP they say?
Could she be Deepest Personality?
Because she blows my mind with her warm soul,
While she stimulates my world,
And constantly inspires my creativity
Could she be a Delightfully Phenomenon?
Every moment with her is always a cherished one,
So I am always nourished with the grace of her presence,
Every minute that passes is an elegant discovery
She is to me, everything and more,
An angel my size,
The one that gives me flight,
Whom I constantly bear my heart to,
She is that voice of encouragement,
Her aura blends well with mine,
She is peace and clarity,
She is love in human form,
She is that face you see when you look in the mirror,
She is mine,
She is DP.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Another song im buzzin on...dis n dats
keyshia cole and anthony hamilton did the song "JUSTICE"
So today, i decided not to play basketball and take a walk, u know clear my mind, i did and it was refreshing, i even discoved certain changes in my lil town of kingston, there is a new big starbuck shop, top shop seems to be everywhere and mcdonalds is getting a makeover......nice ehn, see i haven't been to town in a very long time.
I took a walk through my fav spot in kingston, brougth back some nice memories and also triggered some actions which i have put into place. I came back home and my housemate was on the decks again, making some beats, he asked that i drop some TALK on the mic which i did, he is looking towards making an album, so watch out, you might just see me on TV soon or maybe hear me on 1xtra.
Im still feeling congested...i took some serious dose of paracetamol and phenylephrine hydrochloride but seriously nothing is better than bed right now and some warm feminine hands. and yeah arsenal staying at the top.....
so my count down to Africa begins today........can't wait
Friday, 14 March 2008
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Tracks Of My Tears
just thot id share with you what i am listening to at the moment, i can't seem to get over these motown classics by boys11men and if u have the album, you mos def understand what i am on about...
this is how i feel sometimes....(im human
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
She said she just wanted to check on me since i haven't called in some days now, i apologised and said i have being a bit busy, caught up with dis and dats. She laughed and i could picture her face at that moment, it was like i was right in front of her.
She said she hoped the wind hasn't blown me away as London is becoming a windy city, i said no, i still remember how to make eba, you know the one that taste so good with some nice obe.
She laughed a bit, paused for a while and said,"i am so proud of you, you have given me so much joy and you have achieved so much, i don't mean educational and material achievements, i mean you have grown into a fine young African man and anyone will be proud to associate with you......i love you to bits"
I smiled, a tear dropped from my eye and i said, "i love you too and i am only who i am today because of you, i only walk this path because you showed me, i couldn't have asked for a better teacher, or a better MOTHER.....i love you more than cooked food"
im sharing this with you so you can pick up that telephone and give your MAMA a call
Sunday, 9 March 2008
it gets BETTER
so i have being getting to know DP, i must say, very nice person, feeling the vibes thru and thru...wonderful soul.
i have also being doing some thinking, see i always aim to be the best i can be, getting better and better everyday is something i aspire to every time so i will share some of my thoughts with yall
always have a focus
a journey is never complete without a destination
never lose focus
situations are(is) like riding a bike, you stop paddling, you fall over
know the outcome
if you have expectations, you will drive towards your expectations
always review your successes and failures
always search yourself, know your strenghts and weaknesses more than anyone else
change is the only permanent thing in life, if something is not working out, change your approach, it's never too late. There are more than a way to achieve your aim.
remain positive
a thousand can fall by my right hand and ten thousand by my left hand, it shall not come near me.
believe in yourself, always have faith
so you can be anything you wanna be, the journey starts from within you.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Na wa O
(told you i would blog
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
FABtastic n stuvs

Monday, 3 March 2008
From the Soulstar with SOUL
now this is something that is getting me moving...see i haven't played my guitar in a while but now it's on
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Never Forgets

It has being said that Africans sold Africans to the Europeans. We have being brainwashed to think that we are responsible for our enslavement. They would say that African chiefs and kings sold slaves for gin, western goods and even weapons. The truth of the matter is there were some Africans who collaborated with the Europeans; however there were many African leaders who tried to prevent and fight the slave trade. The Europeans played on our minds and began to set African tribes against the other by giving them weapons. If you were a King, you would defend your Kingdom….Right? It’s called the GUN TRADE CYCLE. All of these benefited one set of people, THE EUROPEAN
The fact is no African country ever had a slave economy; no society in Africa ever had its principle mode as slave production it did not exist in Africa, SLAVE TRADE IS WHAT THE EUROPEANS INVENTED.
There was no concept as “shackled” slavery in Africa; it has being said that we enslaved each other in Africa before the Europeans came. That was not “shackled slavery”, that was a form of domestic servant and it was not about a total desecration of an individuals integrity. Africans used slaves back then to work on their farms and in the house, there were not subjected to mental brutality as they were always part of the family and not regarded even less than dogs and pigs. Do you know that slaves in Europe and America were not even in the same category as the farm animals. The animals got better treatment than THAT MAN WITH THE BLACK FACE, BROAD NOSE AND NAPPY HAIR……THAT COULD HAVE BEING YOUR DIRECT ANCESTOR.
In 1789, Oladuah Equiano wrote about being born in Benin and was enslaved by two African families before taken to the coast and then sold to the Europeans, he wrote that there were loads of differences slavery in Africa and slavery in Europe.
“There is no comparison, in the African system; the slave was part of the family and the slavement was not permanent but in Europe, I have witnessed the most abominable cruelty ever imposed on any human” The Interesting Narrative, and a former slave by Oladuah Equiano
To take somebody away by force from their community is most salvage act ever and we should not forget that. They destroyed towns, villages, lineages, great works of art, stories, and history, there are some songs we never heard, some stories were never told, and some histories taken away for ever.
The most horrible things happened at Elmina Castle (It was the first trading post built on the Gulf of Guinea in GHANA, so is the oldest European building in existence below the Sahara. First established as a trade settlement, the castle later became one of the most important stops on the route of the Atlantic Slave Trade.).
Right in the castle was a CHURCH, around the church were dungeons filled with slaves chained and shackled to the grounds of the dungeons. On Sunday mornings, one would have heard the wails and the moans of those Africans in bondage combined with the so called sacred hymns of the Christian Europeans.
Slavery has affected me in so many ways, it affected my ancestors when they were taken off the shores of Africa, yes we returned and we formed a family again, ALAKIJA, however, I will not stop raising awareness about the horrible things that were done to us, we(Africans) built Europe, London will not be London but for our(Africans) work, wall street, New York will not trade if we(Africans) never built those walls, so take pride in your heritage……we have come a long way and YES WE CAN do anything, even becoming the president of the USA.
You ask me to forget the cry
You ask me to forget the pain
You ask me to forget the blood shed
You ask me to forget the sorrow
You ask me to forget the struggle
You ask me to forget my land
Then you are asking that I forget myself.
By eniola alakija