Monday 2 February 2009

Global Warm DIS

Where are all those global warming experts on a day like this, The snow in London at this time is an occurance that has not being experienced since the seventies.

One would think one has just stepped into Moscow or some Canadian country side. I had to double check where I was on the GPS just to be sure this was still London.

London has being brought to its knees, public transportation has being crippled, although this might be fun for some lazy students, lazy workers, that man that needs to stay at home or that woman that needs that extra time to put her feet up, please cast your minds to those without shelter or those that need to be on the road to put food on the table.

I must confess however, it is a beautiful sight to behold and a dangerous time to attempt to drive on the icy roads.

Hopefully there would be less amount of snow tomorrow.

I have included a picture from the back of my house


Anonymous said...

the british authorities are not in any way prepared for snow like this. This is almost a yearly thing here in toronto.
peace eniola
loving the blog

Anonymous said...

That's actually a very nice picture....can i get a copy :)