Saturday, 12 May 2012


I am not a child from the 60s
I wish I am,
I wish I met Azikiwe,
Shook hands with Balewa,
Or sat in the office of Awolowo,
One has to admit,
Nigeria was very good back then,
Those years from the 60s to the 80s,
Are the best yet in her history,
Well, maybe some parts of the 90s,
I am an 80s baby so I witnessed some goodies,
I know what 50 kobo looks like,
I felt it, I spent it,
I know what it felt like to have constant electricity,
Television programs that only began at 4pm weekdays,
I enjoyed the wonders of tales by moonlight,
The checkmates and behind the clouds,
I know what it was like to travel from the island to the mainland,
Over the bridge, even when it was the darkest of nights,
Without fear of robbers, muggers or thieves,
Flights were on time, roads had less potholes
I remember the days of cabin biscuits and disco,
Developing healthcare resources,
Great educational standards,
Yes, I witnessed that time,

Today, I have deep palpitations about my beloved country,
It's future scares me,
Corruption forced Nigeria to bed,
Raped her of the best times and bore misery,
The people are hungry physically and mentaly,
The growth of Nigeria is in rapid decline,
Now we carry bombs in cars,
Terrorize communities,
Tribalistic and divided,
Kill the innocent,
Steal from the poor,
Oppress the needy,
Roads are death traps,
Diseases on the rise,
Hope losing,
Nigeria is failing ,
Before our eyes.

Arise O compatriots,
Nigeria needs us more than ever,
Do your best by being the best,
Kick corruption to the kerb,
Embrace unity,
Let us make it work,
Yes we can,
Yes we should,
Yes we will,
We can become the nation of nations,
The Giant of Africa that we are,
Let us change our mentality,
Not just our entertainment,
Let us revive the economy,
Less greed, less selfishness,
Let our children have positive stories
about out beloved country,
Let us restore her beauty.


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