Saturday, 5 May 2012

Dear Son

I watched you take your first step today,
Oh what an amazing moment it was,
A step forward and another step forward,
You had an incredible smile on your cute face,
I had joy in my heart,
You fell forward as you lost your balance,
I was there to catch you in my arms,
I cuddled you tight and threw you up in the air,
You always like it when I do that,
Your cheeky smile revealed your two milk teeth,
You are such a huge blessing.

After a while you wanted to take another step,
See son,
That is the wonderful thing about you,
You have taught me so many things in life,
You taught me never to give up,
I remember when you tried to sit up,
Your Granma didn't think you were ready,
She might have under-estimated your zeal,
With a smile on your face,
You sat up and even had Mr Cuddle in your hands
while sitting about being so SUPER

You are an amazing gift from God,
One that I will cherish for ever and ever,
You came at a time when I needed to feel God,
I asked for companionship,
God designed my own Angel,
You show me everyday,
God does exist,
The first time we met,
You had that smile in your face,
You didn't cry.....just gave me that smile,
You brought me joy,
And you still bring me joy.

I look forward to life with you,
God gave you to me to help nurture,
You have shown me more things than ever,
So while you grow,
I will grow with you,
I will be there to catch the ball when you throw it,
At your first day at school, I will hug you and wish you well,
I will be there when you need to be set straight,
I will commend everything you do and help build your dreams,
I will also teach you what you have taught me,

Lots of Love


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